Apple, Books, Timer, glasses, and notepad on desk in front of chalkboard - Use a Habit Tracker in Your Homeschool

Is your homeschool a bit all over the place? Do you ever feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up?

If you’re dreaming of a more organized approach to homeschooling but are committed to a child-led philosophy, using habit trackers in your homeschool might be the perfect fit!

Explore how a habit tracker might fit your needs below.

4 different styles of habit trackers for use in your homeschool

What is a Habit Tracker?

At their very basic, a habit tracker is a tool to keep track of a targeted task with the goal of building a routine habit out of that task.

We give them to our kids when they’re young in the form of morning and evening tasks. Checklists that help them build daily habits of brushing their teeth, putting on jammies, etc.

Those checklists will ideally fade away when they’ve started handling those tasks on their own.

We know they work, because how many 16-year-olds have brightly colored checklists reminding them to brush their teeth and hair?

Grid of 4 habit trackers behind orange title "4 Habit Trackers to Use in Your Homeschool."

Don’t Break the Chain Habit Tracker

Although there are many different types and formats of habit trackers, one of my favorites is the Don’t Break the Chain Habit Tracker from The Happiness Project.

Teal background with journal on top
Photo Credit: The Happiness Project

First, I’m inclined to shop from anywhere that’s focusing on happiness.

Second—and possibly more importantly—the Don’t Break the Chain Habit Tracker is cheery and direct. You simply log a habit and then check off each day that you achieve that habit.

You can also do this with a calendar or the calendar app on your phone. Simply check off each day that you complete your habit.

Having said that, I find the actual journal more private, portable, and engaging.

How to Use Habit Trackers in Your Homeschool

Do you need tools that help you to keep lessons focused and your homeschool on track?

If you’re a full-time working homeschool mom (say that three times fast) like I am, you’ll totally get this.

But even if you’re not working full-time, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed, right?

Realizing that, I discovered I needed to get hyper-organized about where my focus is spent.

Keeping Your Homeschool On Track

Brightly colored felt pens on top of paper planners

All of that shiny curriculum is out there trying to distract you.

You’re like, oh I’d love to do a unit study on Marie Curie, but I’d also love to teach her Spanish, Music Theory, and Geography.

The monthly tracker gives you a big-picture overview as you’re in the planning stage.

What were you able to fit in, what isn’t working and how can you adjust so it all fits? Are you accomplishing more when you do morning work or afternoon?

Are you struggling with after-lunch subjects? Maybe you need a longer recess?

This doesn’t mean adding more hours but maybe finding a way to combine a subject or schedule it for a different month.

And of course, you can see where you might fit another interest in.

Other Habits to Track As a Homeschool Mom

The monthly schedule isn’t the only place you can take advantage of a habit tracker.

Tracking Wellness Habits

Brightly colored felt pens on top of paper planners

How hard is it to prioritize your self-care habits as a homeschool mom? So freaking hard, right?

Use a habit tracker to break your larger goals down into mini-goals.

For example, do you need to get more steps in each day or get a handle on your eating?

Because you’re home all day with the pantry and the fridge…and somedays spelling rules are going to make you lose your mind.

Work on tracking your breakfast daily for a few weeks until you feel you can add on without derailing. Then track breakfast and lunch until that’s a solid habit.

Creating Habit Trackers for Kids

Brightly colored felt pens on top of paper planners

Help your kids build good study habits. Create a list and plan out the steps of projects together when they get older.

I don’t know about you, but my 2nd grader thrives when she knows the plan. And, when she can check off the box. She LOVES checking off a box.

Using a Habit Tracker as a Homeschool Mom

There are almost endless tasks you can master with a habit tracker. Meal planning, walking, reading, writing, time management, scheduling

Whatever habit you want to build, there’s a habit tracker to fit your needs.

To get you started, download the free copies of the habit trackers I use and discover their impact on your homeschool life!

4 different styles of habit trackers for use in your homeschool

Related Reading

Looking for more tips to stay healthy as a homeschool mom? Try these:

Do you use a habit tracker in your homeschool? Share your tips below.

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