One of the great things about homeschooling is that you can tailor the curriculum to your child’s interests and needs. If your child loves language and enjoys playing with words, there are lots of fun adjectives activities you can incorporate into your 2nd-grade homeschool language arts curriculum.
Fun Adjectives Activities Using Chrysanthemum in 2nd Grade Language Arts
Consider the fantastic book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. It’s filled with a wonderful message about being proud of who you are despite your differences. If you haven’t had the opportunity yet, I highly recommend incorporating some of his work into your lesson plans. We used Lilly’s Plastic Purse in our first-grade language arts. His illustrations and stories are timeless. Here’s how we studied adjectives in our second-grade Chrysanthemum unit study.

Fun Adjective Games
Make fun adjective games by finding them throughout your books and stories. As your child begins to learn about adjectives take turns pointing out adjectives that they hear. This will not only help to expand your child’s vocabulary, but it will also give them a better understanding of how adjectives are used in sentences.
“On the first day, Chrysanthemum wore her sunniest dress and her brightest smile.” Ask them how the terms sunniest and brightest help them to visualize her outfit and her mood.

You can also make up a game where you take turns coming up with sentences that include specific adjectives. For example, read the last sentence and then your student has to brainstorm a sentence using brightest.
Engaging Text-Based Adjective Activities
Beyond what’s written, you can use an adjectives activity for your characters, objects, and setting descriptions. This will help your child learn new vocabulary words and understand how to use them in sentences. For example, you might describe Chrysanthemum as joyful and eager.
You can also use it as a lesson to describe how characters change throughout a story. In the middle of the story, your student might describe her as sad, dejected, humiliated, or embarrassed. In addition, this activity will help to develop your child’s critical thinking skills as they learn to identify important details in a text.
Incorporating Writing Exercises
When incorporating writing exercises into your lesson plan, use adjectives to create silly sentences when you change out an adjective. This is a great way to help your child understand how adjectives can change the meaning of a sentence. Going back to the sentence from the above example, try out “Chrysanthemum wore her cloudiest dress and her darkest smile.” or “Chrysanthemum wore her fuzziest dress and her zaniest smile.”

One fun way to practice using adjectives is to participate in adjective hunts. To play, simply make a list of describing words on a piece of paper. You can choose the ones found within the book you’re studying (e.g. fat, orange, sunny, miserable, longest, scrawny, etc.) and see who can find the most things that fit the bill around the house or yard. An opposite option is to use a blank sheet of paper and direct your student to a certain number of objects in the house and ask them to describe them.
Not only is this activity great for building vocabulary skills, but it’s also a fun way to get everyone moving and exploring their surroundings. Tying in another learning style to form a stronger bond to the learning.

Create Adjective Word Banks
Tell your student that without adjectives, our language would be very boring and difficult to understand. Consider all of the ways that we use adjectives to help each other understand our subject. One type of adjective is a color word, such as blue, green, or red. Another common type of adjective is a size word, such as small, medium, or large.
Adjectives can also describe shapes, such as circular or triangular. In addition, adjectives can describe feelings, such as happy, sad, or angry. There are many different adjectives as well, such as Numbers words (one, two, three) and Time words (yesterday, today, tomorrow), along with comparative adjectives. Adjectives are a very important part of speech because they help to describe the world around us. Create simple sentences and then make them into more complete complex sentences.
Make a word bank to help kids create a more vibrant statement than they might brainstorm in the moment. Using the word bank, for example, instead of “The leaves fall,” you might say “The lovely autumn-colored leaves glide to the ground.” Summer days might become blistering hot summer days.
Support Literature With Art
A well-designed art project can add a lot to a book study. Not only does it provide a creative outlet for students, but it can also help to deepen their understanding of the book. For example, you might use a watercolor or acrylic project and then describe it using terms like smooth, soft, bright, dark, etc. Anything that is grade-level appropriate. Younger students can also benefit from a Chrysanthemum craft project.

Choose Adjective Worksheets
Never underestimate the power of fun and engaging adjectives worksheets. You can prep some printables to reinforce your reading.
**Can’t find a copy of Chrysanthemum in your local library? Grab it off of Amazon**
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Making Adjective Learning Fun in Your 2nd Grade Language Arts Curriculum
Adjectives are an important part of speech, and helping your child to understand how they function in a sentence is a key part of their language arts education. However, learning about adjectives doesn’t have to be dull and dry.
There are plenty of fun activities you can do with your 2nd-grade homeschooler to help them master this essential grammar skill. Incorporating these types of activities into your homeschool curriculum will not only help your child learn about adjectives, but it will also foster a love for language and words. Have fun learning and happy teaching!
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