If you’ve recently moved or you’re a new homeschooler, you may be wondering how to connect with other homeschooling families and start helping your child grow new homeschool friendships. With the normalizing of homeschooling in many areas, finding local homeschooling groups for both you and your children is easier than ever. It’s simply a matter of knowing where to look.

Where to Find Other Homeschoolers

Wouldn’t it be great if it was easier to find your homeschooling friends? As you drove around town there were signs on the billboards that said “Homeschoolers co-op groups meet here on Tuesdays.” Unfortunately, you have to do a little sleuthing usually. But, you’ll find that there are often gobs and gobs of homeschoolers when you know where to look.

Check Facebook First

Hands down, this has been my best resource for finding new local homeschool groups for us to embrace. Facebook is often the go-to for local playgroups and co-ops. It’s best to look for a group that has a Facebook page that is private and has some safety rules in place. Often you can find them by simply searching in Facebook groups for the name of your town or area, followed by the word homeschoolers.

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Broaden Your Search Terms

You might also be able to find other families using the same curriculum you are. For instance, if you use the widely popular Classical Conversations Curriculum, you can search by your zip code to find a group near you.

Likewise, if you have used the curriculum try posting it for sale in the Facebook Buy and Sell section. Those that like your post or comment are generally homeschoolers, so you can strike up a conversation with them. Then, you’ll have a little cash in your pocket from the sale and a new friend.

Explore Meetup.com

Meetup.com is another one that isn’t as popular but is sometimes used by larger groups as it’s accessible to everyone and easy to manage attendance limits for field trips and planned social events.

Discover Local Church Groups

Many churches house co-ops and meetups throughout the week. This is especially helpful for Christian-based homeschoolers. Dig through the social media and online bulletins from local houses of worship, especially the larger ones.

Check Out the Library

When you’re looking for a homeschooling community, your local libraries are a great place to start. Most homeschoolers are frequent attendees, and you’re likely to find a group that meets your needs. Libraries often have special hours and enrichment activities targeting homeschooled kids, which makes it even easier to connect with others.

Or, visit during traditional school hours. The children you see are often homeschooled and you could always ask the local librarian if they know of any homeschooled families. Most likely she will because they can be some of her best patrons.

Playing At The Park

Taking the kids to the local playground is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, and it’s also a great place to meet other homeschooling families. Homeschoolers often take advantage of the fact that they can schedule their days around outings like this, and you’ll often find them at the park during public school hours along with you.

It’s a great way for kids to socialize and explore nature, and it can be a fun break from the usual homeschool routine. If you’re ever feeling lonely or isolated as a homeschooling parent, getting out to the park is a great way to meet other families who are going through the same thing.

Homeschool Friends At Nature Groups

Speaking of playing at the park, don’t forget to explore nature homeschooling support groups such as Wild and Free or Barefoot University. You’ll generally be able to narrow down your results on their web pages, to discover learning and social groups near you that are also focused on getting outdoors.

10 Ways to Find Other Homeschoolers Infographic

Finding New Friends Around Town

You might find a homeschooling family in everyday places, such as the grocery stores while you’re doing your own shopping. As a homeschooler, I often find myself using real life as an opportunity for learning. For example, when I take my kiddo to the grocery store, we use the trip as a chance to work on math skills. We compare prices, calculate the cost of various items, and even practice weighing produce.

Many times you can find other homeschoolers simply by looking for common behaviors.

Local Museums, Zoos, and Activity Centers

Many children’s museums and local city activity centers will have activities dedicated to supplementing your homeschool activities. For example, the local children’s museum in my town offers a homeschool day once a month. This is a great opportunity for kids to explore and learn in a new environment, and it’s also a great way to meet other families who are homeschooling.

You can also check with your local city community center, any area zoos, or state parks. Many of these places offer homeschool activities such as P.E. or extra-curricular art classes, and some have special rates for homeschool families.

Homeschool Sports and Activity Leagues

There are often homeschool sports leagues in larger cities, and these can be a great way for kids to socialize and stay active. These leagues typically meet during the day, which makes them a great option for homeschoolers.

My daughter takes a theater class at a local theater and the class is scheduled with a target toward homeschoolers. It’s been a wonderful way to make friends with kiddos who share the same passions and interests.

Finding Other Homeschool Moms

Let’s face it, we all need friends. Everyone talks about socializing your children as a major challenge on your homeschooling journey. And sure, that’s a focus for many homeschool parents. But, the reality is, that you need to socialize as much if not more than your kids do.

There are days that homeschooling is wonderful. Those are the days I snap pictures and show us sitting outside in the sunshine having tea and learning our sight words.

But there are many other days that I don’t snap a picture. Where I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was, and life keeps interrupting or one of us is really struggling to get on board today.

Those are the days that I’m so very thankful for my homeschool friends! For having someone I can text, call, or go have coffee with. Someone who totally gets it and sometimes has advice, but mostly just is a great refuge from the struggle.

I’m not sure what I would do without those moments some days.

Even though it can be really challenging to put yourself out there to new people, especially if you’ve been rebuffed in the past, stick at it. Keep looking until you find the group that is going to support you. Both you and your children will benefit from the socializing!

Parrots are selfless we should be too

Even though it can be really challenging to put yourself out there, especially if you’ve been rebuffed in the past, stick at it. Keep looking until you find the group that is going to support you. Both you and your children will benefit from the socializing! And you never know who needs you in their life until you put yourself out there!

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